As a citadel of riches and rich histories. Africa was once the cradle of civilization and has been proved to be the birth place of humanity.

Africa has once led the world in notable areas, such as; the scientific developments in ancient Egypt. Africa set the precursor to the system of Mathematics, medicine, engineering and Architecture. By 15th century, the continent has one of the most diverse population in the world. The existence of great kingdoms and empires such as Mali in the west and Ethiopia in the east resulted in great trade opportunities where people from different parts of the continent go to sell their goods and services or acquire different goods.

Prior to the 1600s, a massive regional and international trading system stretching from the coast of West Africa and across the Sahara to North Africa existed. The system was sustained by the mining of gold in West Africa, as well as the production of many other goods there. For many centuries, it was dominated by powerful empires such as Ghana, Mali and Songhay, which often controlled both gold production and the major trading towns on the southern fringes of the Sahara.

In the 14th century, the West African empire of Mali, which was larger than western Europe, was reputed to be one of the biggest, richest and most powerful states in the world. When the famous emperor of Mali, Mansa Musa, visited Cairo in 1324, it was said that he brought so much gold with him that its price fell dramatically and had not recovered its value even 12 years later.

It was gold from these great empires of West Africa that prompted the early Portuguese voyages of exploration.

Again, this is not the first time Africa is seeing great opportunities by looking inwards. It is woven in the fabric of the continent that its people and resources working together will result into its greatness.

In this era, the most lucrative opportunity seen in centuries is the emergence of Settle. Instead of boarders and the complexity of financial system stopping entrepreneurs, business men, and African citizens from sending and receiving payments from one another, Settle has given you the power to be your own limit.

The trading spirit already exists. The market is already there. All you need is a platform, and we have given you one. Leverage it.